Multiple Task Handling Administration

These settings control the concurrency (how many tasks at the same time) of Symbee Connect delivered tasks to users and how Symbee Connect task assignment behaves related to Amazon Connect delivered Calls and Chats.

Refer to Routing Profiles within your Amazon Connect instance for concurrency control of Amazon Connect delivered Calls and Chats. All the Maximum Concurrent setting values below are for Symbee Connect delivered tasks and are over and above any tasks currently assigned to the user via their Amazon Connect Routing profile.

Non Amazon Connect Task Concurrency Rules

Maximum Concurrent WebChat Tasks per Agent

The maximum number of concurrent non Amazon Connect delivered WebChat conversations allowed to be assigned to an Agent.

Maximum Concurrent SMS Tasks per Agent

The maximum number of concurrent non Amazon Connect delivered SMS conversations allowed to be assigned to an Agent.

Maximum Concurrent Social Messaging Tasks per Agent

The maximum number of concurrent non Amazon Connect delivered Social Messaging conversations allowed to be assigned to an Agent.

Maximum Concurrent Preview Dial Tasks per Agent

The maximum number of concurrent non Amazon Connect delivered Preview tasks allowed to be assigned to an Agent.

Maximum Concurrent Standard Email Tasks per Agent

The maximum number of concurrent non Amazon Connect delivered Standard Email tasks allowed to be assigned to an Agent.

Maximum Concurrent Email (Routed) Tasks per Agent

The maximum number of concurrent non Amazon Connect delivered Routed CRM Email tasks allowed to be assigned to an Agent.

Overall Maximum Concurrent Tasks per Agent

The overall maximum number of concurrent non Amazon Connect delivered tasks (across all types, excluding Amazon Connect delivered Calls/Chats) allowed to be assigned to an Agent.

Amazon Connect / Symbee Connect Assignment Behavior

Controls how Symbee Connect Task assignment and Amazon Connect Call/Chat assignment interact together.

No Mixing - an Amazon Call or Chat can never be assigned if a Symbee Task is already being worked, and vice-versa;

Amazon Connect over Symbee Connect Only - an Amazon Call or Chat can be assigned if a Symbee Task is already being worked but a new Symbee Task wont be assigned when an Amazon Call or Chat is in progress;

Full Mixing - Amazon Calls or Chats can be assigned while Symbee Tasks are being worked and Symbee Tasks can be assigned while on an Amazon Call or Chat.