User Administration


All of the Symbee Connect features are optionally configurable, with the end-user features being controlled at a user by user level. As a result, each end user needs a User Profile defined within Symbee Connect. The Symbee Connect User Profile basically extends the Amazon Connect user definition and configures which Symbee Connect features are enabled for the end user.

Although you can configure Symbee Connect end users on an individual user by user basis, for ease of management, User Templates are provided to enable you to set up logical groups of users, then configure the required features on the User Template, and bulk-apply the User Template to a group of users all in one step.

At a high level, there are two fundamental types of end users defined within the User Administration section of the Symbee Connect Administration Portal:

User Templates

Users in Symbee Connect are initially created from a User Template. Each user can then be customized to differ from the Template as needed after creation. For ease of user maintenance, create User Templates for each group of users that will have a different configuration. If the user groups' configuration needs to change at a later time, the User Template can then be updated and quickly re-applied to the group of users in a single step. A different or modified User Template can be reapplied to an already created User at any time.

Options are available to Modify, Delete, Duplicate Template, and Add Template.

A User Template has to be added through the Add Template option before it can be configured.

Add Template

User Template Name

The template identifier that will be displayed in pick-lists.

User Template Description

Provide a short description for the new User Template being created.

Modify User Template

When you Modify a User Template, there are three User Modes:


Unified Communications Users, i.e., non Contact Center Users.

Click here for Unison User Settings.


Contact Center Users - this is the default selected User Mode

Click here for Engagement User Settings.


Contact Center Supervisor Users

Click here for Supervisor User Settings.


Your user template changes will then be applied to all the selected users.

Duplicate Template

Use the Duplicate Template action to create a new User Template based on the current settings of an existing template.

Select an existing User Template you want to base the new template on from the User Templates listing screen, and click the Duplicate Template action button. Complete the resulting dialog.

New Template Name

Provide the template identifier for the new template to be created, that will be displayed in pick-lists.

User Template Description

Provide a short description for the new User Template being created.

Delete Template

Select an existing User Template you want to delete from the User Templates listing screen, click the Delete action, and confirm the delete in the resulting dialog.

Contact Center Users

This screen lists all your currently configured Contact Center agents.


You will have different options and fields in these screens depending on whether you have enabled integrated user management of your users in your backing Amazon Connect instance or not. When enabled, you will be able to see what users are in your Connect instance, which of those users also have a Symbee Connect User profile (and be able to easily promote Connect users to be Symbee Connect users). You can then also manage all the Amazon Connect User settings from within these Symbee Connect Administration Portal screens (including adding and deleting users) if you prefer.

See here and here for more details on enabling integrated user management.

Options area available for the following, based on whether integrated user management is enabled or not:

Note: A User has to be added before it can be configured.

Resync Users with Amazon Connect

When integrated user management is enabled, this action performs a synchronization of all Amazon Connect related user fields (names, email addresses, selected routing profile, security groups, hierarchy, etc) with the values from your users configured in your Amazon Connect instance.

This catches any changes made directly to users in Amazon Connect rather than through this these Symbee Connect screens. A Resync may take a few minutes, and when initiated, will run in the background.

Show User Existence

When integrated user management is enabled, checking this box modifies the below user list to contain a merge of both the users configured in your Amazon Connect instance, as well as the users configured as Symbee Connect users, and the differences.

Modify an existing User

To update an existing user's profile, either click directly on the user's Login Name in the list, or check the user's checkbox on the left, and click the Modify action.

Only one user can be updated at a time using this action. To update multiple / many users at the same time, make use of User Templates and the (Re)Apply Template action (see further below).

Once Modify is clicked (or directly clicking the user's Login Name), the Users - Maintain Profile screen will be shown. The user's mode selector is at the top, and then all the various user profile settings are organized into Groups and Sections.


Delete existing Users

To delete existing users, check the checkbox on the left for each user to delete, and click the Delete action, and confirm the user deletion in the resulting dialog.

When integrated user management is enabled, on the confirmation dialog, you get the choice of: Also delete these users from Amazon Connect? By default, deleting a user will only delete the user's profile within Symbee Connect. Checking this additional box will cause the deletion of the user from both Symbee Connect and Amazon Connect.

Applying (or re-applying) a User Template to Users

The (Re)Apply Template action serves two purposes:

  1. A quick way to apply changes (made first to a User Template) to multiple / many users at the same time.
  2. When integrated user management is enabled, a quick way to perform an initial provisioning of user profiles in Symbee Connect that already had existing users defined in Amazon Connect. Essentially you can select a set of your existing Amazon Connect users, and "promote" or "import" them into Symbee Connect by simply applying a specified user template for each user for the first time. (Check the Show user existence check-box on the top right of the User's listing screen, to have the user list expanded to show all your Amazon Connect users that don't yet have a Symbee Connect user profile).

Check the checkbox on the left for each user you want to apply or re-apply a specified user template to. If you need to perform an apply to a significant number of users, we suggest you make use of the two Search Filters at the top of the list screen to limit the user's listed to just the user group you want to perform the apply to (for example: search for all users that last had a specific template applied to them). Then use the select-all checkbox in the top-left of the users list table to bulk-select all visible users.

With all the required user's selected, click the (Re)Apply Template action. In the resulting dialog, select the User Template to be applied, and click Apply Template.


Assign Routing Profile and Assign User Hierarchy actions

When integrated user management is enabled, these two additional actions provide a quick way to perform Routing Profile and Amazon Connect User Hierarchy re-assignments on your backing Amazon Connect users in-bulk, directly from within the Symbee Connect administration portal.

Check the checkbox on the left of each user to perform either the Routing Profile or Hierarchy assignment on. If applying to a significant number of users, make use of the two Search Filters and the select-all checkbox in the users list table header to filter-down and select what you need.

Click either the Assign Routing Profile or Assign Hierarchy action, and in the resulting dialog select the required routing profile or hierarchy to assign, and click Update to complete.

Adding and Uploading new Users

To add or upload/import new user's either select Add and Import Users from the left navigation bar when in the User Administration module, or from one of the Users listing screens click the Add & Upload Users action button.

In either case, you will be taken to the Add and Import Users screen when you can either add a single user directly from the screen, or upload and import a list of users in bulk from a CSV file. See the Add and Import Users section.

Create Users in Connect

When integrated user management is enabled, you can also perform the reserve action of creating user's that aren't yet defined in Amazon Connect, for any existing user profiles already defined in Symbee Connect.

To do this:

Unified Communications Users


This screen lists all your currently configured back-office Unified Communications, known as Unison users.


You will have different options and fields in these screens depending on whether you have enabled integrated user management of your users in your backing Amazon Connect instance or not. When enabled, you will be able to see what users are in your Connect instance, which of those users also have a Symbee Connect User profile (and be able to easily promote Connect users to be Symbee Connect users). You can then also manage all the Amazon Connect User settings from within these Symbee Connect Administration Portal screens (including adding and deleting users) if you prefer.

See here and here for more details on enabling integrated user management.

Options area available for the following, based on whether integrated user management is enabled or not:

Note: A User has to be added before it can be configured.

Resync Users with Amazon Connect

When integrated user management is enabled, this action performs a synchronization of all Amazon Connect related user fields (names, email addresses, selected routing profile, security groups, hierarchy, etc) with the values from your users configured in your Amazon Connect instance.

This catches any changes made directly to users in Amazon Connect rather than through this these Symbee Connect screens. A Resync may take a few minutes, and when initiated, will run in the background.

Show User Existence

When integrated user management is enabled, checking this box modifies the below user list to contain a merge of both the users configured in your Amazon Connect instance, as well as the users configured as Symbee Connect users, and the differences.

Modify an existing User

To update an existing user's profile, either click directly on the user's Login Name in the list, or check the user's checkbox on the left, and click the Modify action.

Only one user can be updated at a time using this action. To update multiple / many users at the same time, make use of User Templates and the (Re)Apply Template action (see further below).

Once Modify is clicked (or directly clicking the user's Login Name), the Users - Maintain Profile screen will be shown. The user's mode selector is at the top, and then all the various user profile settings are organized into Groups and Sections.


Delete existing Users

To delete existing users, check the checkbox on the left for each user to delete, and click the Delete action, and confirm the user deletion in the resulting dialog.

When integrated user management is enabled, on the confirmation dialog, you get the choice of: Also delete these users from Amazon Connect? By default, deleting a user will only delete the user's profile within Symbee Connect. Checking this additional box will cause the deletion of the user from both Symbee Connect and Amazon Connect.

Applying (or re-applying) a User Template to Users

The (Re)Apply Template action serves two purposes:

  1. A quick way to apply changes (made first to a User Template) to multiple / many users at the same time.
  2. When integrated user management is enabled, a quick way to perform an initial provisioning of user profiles in Symbee Connect that already had existing users defined in Amazon Connect. Essentially you can select a set of your existing Amazon Connect users, and "promote" or "import" them into Symbee Connect by simply applying a specified user template for each user for the first time. (Check the Show user existence check-box on the top right of the User's listing screen, to have the user list expanded to show all your Amazon Connect users that don't yet have a Symbee Connect user profile).

Check the checkbox on the left for each user you want to apply or re-apply a specified user template to. If you need to perform an apply to a significant number of users, we suggest you make use of the two Search Filters at the top of the list screen to limit the user's listed to just the user group you want to perform the apply to (for example: search for all users that last had a specific template applied to them). Then use the select-all checkbox in the top-left of the users list table to bulk-select all visible users.

With all the required user's selected, click the (Re)Apply Template action. In the resulting dialog, select the User Template to be applied. Note: Make sure you have created and select a Unison User Template, as the default user mode on a template is Engagement.

With the template to apply chosen, click Apply Template.


Assign Routing Profile and Assign User Hierarchy actions

When integrated user management is enabled, these two additional actions provide a quick way to perform Routing Profile and Amazon Connect User Hierarchy re-assignments on your backing Amazon Connect users in-bulk, directly from within the Symbee Connect administration portal.

Check the checkbox on the left of each user to perform either the Routing Profile or Hierarchy assignment on. If applying to a significant number of users, make use of the two Search Filters and the select-all checkbox in the users list table header to filter-down and select what you need.

Click either the Assign Routing Profile or Assign Hierarchy action, and in the resulting dialog select the required routing profile or hierarchy to assign, and click Update to complete.

Adding and Uploading new Users

To add or upload/import new user's either select Add and Import Users from the left navigation bar when in the User Administration module, or from one of the Users listing screens click the Add & Upload Users action button.

In either case, you will be taken to the Add and Import Users screen when you can either add a single user directly from the screen, or upload and import a list of users in bulk from a CSV file. See the Add and Import Users section.

Create Users in Connect

When integrated user management is enabled, you can also perform the reserve action of creating user's that aren't yet defined in Amazon Connect, for any existing user profiles already defined in Symbee Connect.

To do this:

Bulk Maintain User Settings

Use this view to more quickly make updates to the individual user settings that are not updated when applying a User Template to users. The editable fields are those that will differ for each specific user.

The settings and values here are the same fields shown in the Maintain User Profile views, but enable you to more easily make updates to multiple users as needed. Use the Columns button on the table toolbar to see all the possible settings that can be updated from this view.

Options area available to Cancel Changes and Apply Changes.

The following user fields can be updated using this screen:

Add and Import Users


The Add and Import Users screen will have different options and fields depending on whether you have enabled integrated user management of your users in your backing Amazon Connect instance or not. When enabled, fields on the lower part of the screen are used to collect the details for how new users will be created and configured within your Amazon Connect Instance.

See here and here for more details on enabling integrated user management.

The Add and Import Users screen can be accessed in three ways:

  1. From the left navigation bar when in the User Administration module
  2. From one of the Users listing screens, by clicking the Add & Upload Users action button. from the left navigation bar
  3. If integrated user management is enabled, when clicking Create Users in Connect action button from one of the Users listing screens. In this mode, the screen is used to collect the details for users created in Amazon Connect only.

Adding a Single User

Select the Create Single User radio at the top of the screen.

Under User Information, profile the specific user's identifying information, including:

Login Name

While not case-sensitive in Symbee Connect, the Login Name is case-sensitive in Amazon Connect. When integrated user management is not enabled (meaning users are created separately in Symbee Connect and Amazon Connect) this field must exactly match the Login name value for the User in Amazon Connect.

First Name and Last Name

These values are combined to create the user name in Symbee Connect. When integrated user management is enabled, these values populate the equivalent fields when the user is also created in Amazon Connect.


When integrated user management is enabled, this values is used to populate the equivalent field when the user is also created in Amazon Connect.

Secondary Email

This value is used to populate the equivalent field when the user is also created in Amazon Connect.

When creating new user's in Symbee Connect, a new user is always initially created from one of your Symbee Connect User Templates. Under User Template, select the User Template that will determine the initial values for all the user's profile settings in Symbee Connect.

Note: A different User Template can be applied to the user after the initial creation - see references to the (Re)Apply Template option in previous sections).

To also create the new Single User in Amazon Connect

If integrated user management is enabled, you have the option of whether to have the new user also created In your Amazon Connect instance. Check the Create User(s) in Amazon Connect? checkbox to do this.

When integrated user management is enabled and the Create User(s) in Amazon Connect? is checked, the following additional fields are provided to collect the details for respective fields when the user is created in Amazon Connect:

Complete these fields and selections appropriately.

Adding multiple users in Amazon Connect from existing Symbee Connect users

This mode is only If you have integrated user management enabled, and is accessed when clicking Create Users in Connect action button from one of the Users listing screens, and selecting one or multiple users that have already been configured in Symbee Connect. In this mode, the screen is used to collect the details for users created in Amazon Connect only.

The following fields fields are provided to collect the details for respective fields when the user (or users) are created in Amazon Connect:

Complete these fields and selections appropriately.

Adding multiple Users (Importing users from a CSV file)

Select the Import Users with CSV File radio at the top of the screen.

Under User Information, use the file selector to choose a CSV (comma-separated values) file containing the user details for import.

The maximum import CSV file size is 500 KB. If your file is larger than this, separate into smaller files before uploading.

Two additional links are provided from this screen, to download an example CSV file of how the user details should be formatted.

When creating new user's in Symbee Connect, a new user is always initially created from one of your Symbee Connect User Templates. Under User Template, select the User Template that will determine the initial values for all the user's profile settings in Symbee Connect.

Note: A different User Template can be applied to the user after the initial creation - see references to the (Re)Apply Template option in previous sections).

To also create the new users being imported from file in Amazon Connect at the same time

If integrated user management is enabled, you have the option of whether to have the new users from your file also created In your Amazon Connect instance. Check the Create User(s) in Amazon Connect? checkbox to do this.

When integrated user management is enabled and the Create User(s) in Amazon Connect? is checked, the following additional fields are provided to collect the details for respective fields as each user in your file is created in Amazon Connect:

Complete these fields and selections appropriately.


If users being created from your CSV file require different settings in Amazon Connect (for example different Routing Profiles, different Security Profiles, or different Hierarchies), separate your list of users being imported into separate CSV files.