WebChat Administration

Symbee Connect provides a full-featured, flexible and fully customizable customer facing WebChat front-end for use in your customer facing web sites. The WebChat front-end itself is a "no code" configuration based approach that provides a URL link for use in your web sites.

Once you have configured your WebChat Endpoints, your website developers can then include the respective URL in your web site to offer your web site visitors a means of getting customer service via webchat. For more details on including the resulting WebChat endpoint URL in your web site and other developer related information, refer to the Webchat Developers Reference Guide.

The Webchat Developers Reference Guide also discusses how to brand and if you wish, completely reskin your WebChat using your Logo and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

Also refer to the Setting up your first WebChat step by step that guides you through setting up your first WebChat endpoint.

WebChat Endpoints

This screen lists and lets you maintain your currently configured Webchat Endpoints or Instances. Options are available to Modify, Delete and Add WebChat Instance.

Each configured Webchat endpoint or instance is a logical container made up of:

  • A unique URL used to launch the WebChat endpoint.
  • An association to either a Skill Queue or Contact Flow for routing of incoming webchats and other associated behavior configuration.
  • A custom logo that can be uploaded, and optional custom CSS override file.
  • A complete set of configurable strings representing all the textual literals used in the customer-facing UI, so they can be customized for your company/experience, and/or translated to a foreign language.
  • A set of optional Auto Translation settings.
  • A configurable pre-conversation form with a set of customizable input fields to collect additional details from the customer/user prior to starting the chat (for example, user identifier, product being enquired on, ticket number, etc). This information gets associated with the conversation and is visible when the chat is delivered to the agent.

Therefore, you configure a separate WebChat instance for each different Skill Queue or Contact Flow you are routing your webchats through and a separate WebChat instance for each language you want to present / offer to the customer.

This enables you to control which WebChat URL is used to begin the chat conversation through your customer facing web site. For example, if your customer is viewing the French version of your web site and clicks your "Chat with us" link, you might use your French WebChat instance URL to begin the chat rather than the English WebChat URL. Or, if your customer was in the Products page versus the Support page of your web site and clicks the Chat button, you could use your Sales WebChat URL verses your Product WebChat URL if those requests are to be routed or handled differently.

Add WebChat Instance

Click the Add WebChat Instance action button to begin creating a new WebChat endpoint/instance. A dialog is displayed with the following fields:

WebChat Instance Code

A unique code that will be displayed in pick-lists within the Administration Portal.

WebChat Instance Name

A short description for the new WebChat Instance.

Provide values for these and click the Add button. Your new Webchat endpoint will be created.

Maintain WebChat Instance Settings

Once a Webchat endpoint/instance is created, select and Modify, or click into your new Webchat endpoint, to complete its configuration. The Maintain WebChat Instance Settings page is displayed.

The Usage and Developer Details section

An expandable Usage and Developer Details section is at the top of the Maintain page. It provides the actual endpoint links you will use in your web-site to launch a new chat using this specific Webchat endpoint/instance.

Example code is also provided that you can use to paste into your web-site, as well as Test buttons to try out your new Webchat endpoint before including in your web-site.

A custom endpoint link is also provided that can be called in the background to proactively determine if your backing chat queue is open or closed, as well as example code for how to add this into you web-site.

Integration Settings

Delivery Provider

Choose the delivery provider for your webchat conversations from this Instance. See Selecting the Chat Delivery Provider for further details on this.

If using Amazon as the Deliver Provider, you will also need to make sure you have run the Amazon Connect Chat Integration CloudFormation. Refer to the Setting up your first WebChat step by step guide for instructions on this.

Default Queue List

Only relevant and displayed if the Delivery Provider is set to Symbee. Choose the Symbee Connect Skill Queue new webchat conversations from this Instance will be routed through.

Amazon Chat Flow

Only relevant and displayed if the Delivery Provider is set to Amazon. Choose the Amazon Connect Contact Flow new webchat conversations from this Instance will be initially routed through.

SES From Address

A verified 'From' address in your Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) used for sending transcript emails to the customer when they request a copy of the chat transcript at the end of the webchat. Leave blank to disable transcript by email functionality.

SES AWS Region

The AWS Region of the Amazon SES (Simple Email Service) used for sending transcript emails. Leave blank to disable transcript by email functionality.

Chat Control

Idle Timeout in Minutes

The time in minutes (between 1 and 60) after which the conversation will be automatically ended if no message activity (from either side) is seen.

Idle Timeout Message

The message sent when an idle timeout occurs.

Customer Communication Timeout Seconds

How long in seconds (between 10 and 900) to wait after communication stops from the Customers browser or device, until the chat is assumed to be ended or closed. Usually this is if the Customer just closes the window, tab, or browser without explicitly ending the conversation first.

This time period exists to support embedding the Chat frame within a web-page where the user can navigate between pages (results in a refresh) while preserving the chat conversation. Set a longer time to support use-cases such as allowing a Customer to reboot their cable modem and have the conversation continue afterwards.

Maximum Chats Message

The response message sent to the customer in a maximum chats reached condition.

Chat Access Control

Also refer to the the Webchat Developers Reference for a more detailed discussion of these settings.

Restrict WebChat to Frame only

Whether to restrict this WebChat Instance to being displayed in frames hosted by specified domains only. Enable for additional security if you will not be hosting this WebChat Instance in a top level pop-out window.

Hosting Domains

Domains allowed to access or host this WebChat Instance. Use "*" for all domains. Separate multiple domains with a comma. For example: https://www.example1.com, https://www.example2.com

Chat Client UI Customization

Use these settings to customize the pre-chat questionnaire form presented to the customer at the beginning of the webchat, and to customize the overall look of the webchat.

Customer UI Version

Version of the Chat Client UI. Select Version 2.

Disable Customer Form

If checked, the initial entry form displayed to the customer will be bypassed, and the chat conversation will be queued to begin immediately. All default form values will still be passed to the agent.

Display Email field

Whether or not the Email field is displayed in the Chat welcome screen.

Display Phone field

Whether or not the Phone field is displayed in the Chat welcome screen.

Display Initial Question field

Whether or not the Initial Question field is displayed in the Chat welcome screen.

Customer Notification Sounds Enabled

Play audio notification tones on the customer side, for connected and new message events.

When enabled, audio notification tones are played on the customer side, for agent connected and new message events. Enabling this setting helps allowing the customer to be more responsive once an agent is connected if the customer had to wait in queue, when the webchat endpoint is configured as a pop-out window and may have been hidden/minimized.

Friendly Agent Name Enabled

Whether to display the name of the agent returned by the chat server or a generic "Agent" label

Primary Color

Provide a custom primary color for the chat UI (use CSS compatible name, or CSS rgb values, e.g. rgb(255,255,255) for white)

Secondary Color

Provide a custom secondary color for the chat UI (use CSS compatible name, or CSS rgb values, e.g. rgb(255,255,255) for white)

Custom CSS file location

The URL to a custom CSS file to add additional customization to the chat client. Use this if you want further control of how your webchat experience looks to the customer. Refer to the Webchat Developers Reference for more details on this, and an example CSS file to start customizing with.

Logo to display in the client for this chat instance. Upload a JPEG or PNG file. It will be scaled to fit in the allotted space. You can further customize how this Logo appears by customizing the CSS (see above).

Automatic Translation

Use these settings to enable the Auto Translation feature. See Chat Automatic Language Translation.

Automatic Translate Enabled

Whether Automatic Translate is enabled. Chat messages received from the customer will be translated into the agent's preferred language, and chat messages sent from the agent will be translated to the language used by the customer. Enabling this will incur Amazon Translate and Amazon Comprehend charges in your AWS account.


When ON, Translate reduces the length of the chat message translation output for most translations (when compared with the same translation with brevity turned off). Refer to Amazon Translate - Brevity.


When enabled, Translate controls the level of formal language usage (also known as register) in the chat message translation. Refer to Amazon Translate - Formality.


When enabled, Translate will mask profane words and phrases in your translated chat messages. Refer to Amazon Translate - Profanity.

Canned messages and localization

Use these settings to customize the actual text displayed to the customer in the webchat experience, include different languages.

Script Not Supported Message

Displayed when the customer has JavaScript turned off

Chat Loading Header

Only used if Disable Customer Form is set. The header text displayed on the initial loading view that gets (very briefly) presented to the customer while a chat session is initially being negotiated when the Customer Form is disabled.

Chat Loading Text

Only used if Disable Customer Form is set. The message text displayed on the initial loading view that gets (very briefly) presented to the customer while a chat session is initially being negotiated when the Customer Form is disabled.

Chat Page Title

Title of the chat window

Chat Header Bar

Text displayed in the chat window header

Chat Title

Displayed when the chat client starts

Form Heading Text

Provide a short message to accompany the chat initiation form

Session Closed Message from System

System message displayed when the chat session has ended

Form Trailing Text

An optional short message displayed below all input fields on the chat initiation form

Disconnected from Session Message

Bot message displayed when the chat session has been disconnected by the server

Agent Disconnected Message

Bot message displayed when the agent has disconnected from the chat

Closed Due to Inactivity Message from System

System message displayed when the session has closed due to inactivity

Default Customer Message Label

This label is displayed above customer chat message bubbles when a customer name is not supplied

Initial Question Alternate Message

This message will be displayed to the Agent at the start of the chat session. Only used if the Initial Question is not available. Use the placeholder {customer name} to include the customer name in the message. Note: this message is visible to the customer in the chat transcript.

System Bot label to override name of

Looks for any system bot messages with this label and if present, replaces this label with the overriding text below.

System Bot label override text

The replacement text to use instead, as the bot label (see setting above).

Required Value Error Message

Displayed when any required values are missing

First Name Standard Field Label

Label used for the standard First Name field (if enabled) on the chat form

Last Name Standard Field Label

Label used for the standard Last Name field (if enabled) on the chat form

Full Name Standard Field Label

Label used for the standard Full Name field (if enabled) on the chat form

Email Address Standard Field Label

Label used for the standard Email Address field (if enabled) on the chat form

Phone Number Standard Field Label

Label used for the standard Phone Number field (if enabled) on the chat form

Optional Field Marking Text

The text used beside a chat form field to denote it is configured as optional

Initial Question Label

Displayed as placeholder in Initial Question block of chat form, must be replaced by customer

Start Chat Button Label

Label used on the main Start Chat button

Requesting Conversation Message

Displayed when the server is waiting for a spot in the queue

Send Button Label

Label used on the conversation window Send Message button

Action Menu Request Call Label and Heading

Label used for the Action Menu Request Call with Agent option

Request Call Action Form Help Text

The body text displayed on the Request Call form

Request Call Action Form Phone Field Label

The label of the Phone Number field on the Request Call form

Action Menu Download Transcript Label and Heading

Label used for the Action Menu Download Transcript option

Download Transcript Action Form Help Text

The body text displayed on the Download Transcript form

Action Menu Email Transcript Label and Heading

Label used for the Action Menu Email Transcript option

Email Transcript Action Form Help Text

The body text displayed on the Email Transcript form

Email Transcript Action Form Email Field Label

The label of the Email Address field on the Email Transcript form

Action Menu End Chat Label and Heading

Label used for the Action Menu End Chat option

End Chat Action Form Help Text

The body text displayed on the End Chat form

Action Forms Close Button Label

Label used on the Close button on various Action forms

Action Forms Cancel Button Label

Label used on the Cancel button on various Action forms

Additional Customer Form Items

Use these settings to add custom input fields to the pre-chat questionare presented to the customer at the beginning of the webchat conversation.

Name Field

If Name is enabled, whether to present a single field to collect the full name of the customer, or whether to present individual first and last name fields.

Custom Form Items

Up to five optional custom Pre-Chat Questionnaire Form items may be configured.

Each custom item is controlled with at least four settings: Name, Visual Label, Value Type, and Required. Additional settings are also enabled for each custom form item based on the Value Type chosen for the form item.

Refer to the Webchat Developers Reference for additional details on how these custom form items can be used.

The following table describes the settings for each of the 5 custom form items:

Form Item Setting (1-5) Description
Name The internal name for the custom form item. This is the name that will be passed to the agent in the Pre-Chat Survey bubble. (This name can also be used for pre-populating the form). The Name may contain letters and numbers; however, all other special characters should be avoided.
Visual Label A visual label for the custom form item. The label displayed to the customer next to the entry for the form item on the pre-chat questionnaire form.
Value Type The type of value expected to be collected in the field. The following available values are currently supported: String, Picklist, Number, Phone, Email, and Hidden.

The selected type will be used to validate the customer’s entry of the field, and depending on the type selected enables additional configuration settings for the form item.
Minimum value length If a Value Type of String is selected, the minimum number of characters required for input. If the form item is not marked as Required (see below), the input value can also be left blank. But if a value is provided, this setting determines the minimum number of characters that are required.
Maximum value length If a Value Type of String is selected, the maximum number of characters required for input (up to 1000).
Picklist options If a Value Type of Picklist is selected, use this setting to configure the list of allowed values to offer in the picklist. Separate each value with a pipe (|) character. For example: "Red|Green|Blue".
Required Whether a value is required to be provided by the customer for the form item before the chat conversation can be started.