Administration User Security Roles


Security Roles govern exactly what a specific configured Administration User is allowed to see and do within the Symbee Connect Administration Portal. Commonly known as Roles based Access Control (or RBAC).

Each administration user can be assigned either one or multiple roles (see here). When a user is assigned multiple security roles, the user is allowed to see and do the super-set of all functions and actions configured on each assigned role.

The Default Security Roles

During initial Symbee Connect sign up, your company is preconfigured with six different security roles (Administrator being the highest level, and providing access to everything). With the exception of the Administrator role, all other roles are fully customizable and can be modified, renamed, duplicated to provide additional or different roles, or can be completely deleted to meet your access control requirements.

The six default security roles provide a suggested initial setup to get you started - a general summary for each preconfigured role is provided below:


Highest level of access. An Administrator can perform all functions, including adding new Environments, configuration of all integration aspects, administering Channel Configurations, configuring Flow Controls, administering end users, and also administering other Administration Portal users.

The Administrator role cannot be modified, renamed, or deleted

This role provides the means of access to new Symbee Connect features as they get released by default. An Administrator always gets access to all functionality (existing and new).
When new features are added that require administrative access or configuration (Functions or Actions) they are always enabled by default on this Administrator role, but are then disabled by default on all other Security Roles configured in your Company. Your Administrators can then control what other security roles (and therefore people) should get access to new Functions and Actions.


Can perform all the functions an Administrator can, except adding new Environments, configuring new Flow Controls, adding or deleting Channel Configurations (existing Channel Configurations can be maintained). Operators can not administer other Administration Portal users.

Contact Center Supervisor

Has full access to Agent Skill Assignments. Has full access to Preview Campaign status. Can view Skill Queue configurations (but not maintain). Can also view (but not update) end user configurations. Can view and maintain existing Operating Hours Schedules (but not add or delete Schedules). Can view and update Flow Point values and existing Flow Table values (but cannot add/modify/delete Flow Control configuration) . Has full access to administer Optimize Forms, and can perform Optimize Evaluations.

** Contact Center Reporter **

Has access to Reporting related functionality only.

Optimize Administrator

Has full access to administration of Optimize Forms and can perform Optimize Evaluations.

Optimize Evaluator

Can perform and maintain Optimize Evaluations only.

Maintaining Security Roles

Maintenance of Security roles is accessed from the Company menu (the left button on the top navigation bar), and selecting Administration Users from the drop-down menu.

The initial screen lists all the currently configured Security Roles.

Options allow you to: Modify, Delete, Duplicate, and Add Security Role.

Add New Security Role

Creates a new Security Role that can be assigned to administration users.

Role Details

Role Name

The name of the Security Role used when selecting the roles being assigned to users.

Role Description

Used for your documentation purposes only, intended to be a high-level brief description to administrators of the intended use of the role.

QuickSight Embedding Username

Optional. The Amazon QuickSight User to use when embedding Dashboards within the QuickSight Real-time Dashboards view. If specified, this overrides the Company/Environment Default Embedding QuickSight User setting value.

(Only relevant if you are using Symbee Connect Business Intelligence, otherwise leave blank).

Functions / Actions Permissions Table

Select which Actions for each administration Function user's assigned to the role will have visibility and permission to.


Use the Modify action to update an existing Security Role.


Use the Duplicate action to start the creation of a new security role using the setup of an existing role.


Use the Delete action to delete one or more Security Roles.