User Settings
The following section documents the details for every possible user setting on a User profile and User Template in Symbee Connect.
The User profile and User Template settings differ depending on the type of user (Unison, Engagement, or Supervisor).
Select the User type:
Unison User Settings
Same settings as Engagement Users
AWS Integration - Amazon Connect User Settings:
Same settings as Engagement Users
AWS Integration - Amazon Connect Integration:
The following settings are relevant for Unison Users:
AWS Integration - Amazon Chime Integration:
Same settings as Engagement Users
Voice Channel:
Same settings as Engagement Users
Phone Call Optional Features
Blind Transfer Enabled: Only the ability to enable
Digital Channel:
The following Digital Channel sections are relevant for Unison Users:
Same settings as Engagement Users
Same settings as Engagement Users
The following settings are relevant for Unison Users:
- Recording Pause/Resume: Enabled: only the ability to enable
- Screen Recording
Universal CRM Integration:
The following settings are relevant for Unison Users:
CRM Integrations:
Same settings as Engagement Users
Engagement User Settings
Engagement is the default User Mode.
Log Off Control
Automatic Log Off Enabled
Whether scheduled log-off at the specified time of day is enabled.
Automatic Log Off Time
If Automatic Log Off is enabled, the time of day to log the user off.
Automatic Log Off Reminder Minutes
The number of minutes prior to Automatic Log Off time to prompt the user with a reminder. Leave 0 for no reminder.
Support Tools
Logging Level
The level of application detail captured in the browser for use with trouble-shooting.
Amazon Connect Logging Level
The level of Amazon Connect CCP detail captured in the browser for use with trouble-shooting.
Show Test Tool Link
Adds a button to the Support Tools section in the User UI that launches the Amazon Connect Endpoint Test Utility.
User Interface
Use the Light or Dark theme
Window Size
What percentage (80%-120%) of Zoom to apply to the UI to reduce or enlarge its size.
Expanded Window Width
Allows the UI window width to be expanded. Useful for dedicated Chat agents. Do not set if running the UI embedded in a CRM window frame.
Browser Notifications for Inbound Interactions
Whether Browser Notifications are enabled for new inbound calls, digital interactions, and tasks. When enabled, a browser notification is popped if a new inbound interaction starts alerting to the user, and the User/Agent UI is in the background or minimized.
The language used in the Agent UI
Inbound Ringtone Device
Which audio output device the Inbound Phone Call/Task ring tone is played through.
Inbound Phone Ringtone
Whether the louder of softer ringtone is played when alerting inbound phone calls.
Call Recorded Notification Enabled
Controls whether the Call Recorded notification tone is played.
Chat Notification Tone Enabled
Controls whether the Chat notification tone is played.
Settings Enabled
Whether the Settings icon is visible on the Tools bar in the UI
Voicemail Enabled
Whether the User Voicemail icon is visible on the Tools bar in the UI
Directory Enabled
Whether the Directory icon is visible on the Tools bar in the UI
Call History
Whether the Call History icon is visible on the Toolbar in the UI
Statistics Enabled
Whether the Agent Statistics icon is visible on the Tools bar in the UI
Auto-Text Enabled
Whether the Auto-Text icon is visible on the Tools bar in the UI
Create Tasks Enabled
Whether the Create New Tasks icon is visible on the Tools bar in the UI
Auto Dialer Status Enabled
Whether the SmartDial Auto Dailer icon is visible on the Tools bar in the UI
Call History
Controls whether Call History functionality is active or not.
Quick Tools
Quick Tools provide simple customizable tools on the toolbar to allow the user to quickly open often-used URL's / web sites.
Quick Tool URL Embedded Tokens
A Quick Tool URL can optionally contain embedded tokens that get dynamically replaced with properties related to the specific user. The following tokens are supported and get replaced appropriately when found embedded in one of the the Quick Tool URL fields:
- {UserId} - gets replaced with the user's Symbee Connect / Amazon Connect primary user identifier (the User ID the user signs in with)
- {UserName} - gets replaced with the textual name configured for the user
- {UserExtension} - gets replaced with the user's configured phone extension (the value of their Extension Number setting within the Dialing group, in the Voice Channel section of the User profile)
- {UserDirectDial} - gets replaced with the user's configured direct-dial number (the value of their Direct Dial Number setting within the Dialing group, in the Voice Channel section of the User profile)
Quick Tool Pop-Out behavior
By default, when a quick tool is activated (clicked by the user) the configured URL will be opened into a full new window or tab in the user's browser (based on whether the user's browser settings are set to open new URL's in a new tab or new window).
A Quick Tool URL can be configured to force the launch as a pop-out window by explicitly setting a window size (in pixels) when the Quick Tool URL is activated.
To force a pop-out window, precede the configured URL with a Width and Height followed by a pipe (|). For example: "300x600|https://your.quicktool.url/...".
When adding a predefined size for the Quick tool URL as above, the Quick tool will be popped out to a new window beside the Symbee Connect User/Agent UI.
You can configure up to three Quick Tool links on the user's tool bar. Configure the following settings appropriately:
Quick Tool Name (1, 2 and 3)
The name of the Quick Tool 1 Link
Quick Tool URL (1, 2 and 3)
The URL of the page to launch. By default, opens the URL into a new window/tab based on browser settings.
See details above for how to force pop-out behavior by preceding the URL in this field with a configured target window size.
The URL supports dynamic replacement of embedded tokens. See details above for the list of supported embedded tokens.
Quick Tool Tool Tip (1, 2 and 3)
The Tooltip text displayed when the user hover's over the Quick Tool in the tool bar.
Limit User Directory Visibility
Limit the Presence Users listed in the Directory only to those Users defined at the same level or lower in the User Reporting Hierarchy.
AWS Integration
Amazon Connect User Settings
This section integrates directly with your Amazon Connect instance, and allows you to view and configure the settings of the User definition in Amazon Connect so you can administer users all in one place if you wish to. Settings in this section are only synchronized with your Amazon Connect instance if the first Allow Updates to Amazon Connect User setting is enabled.
If choosing to use this section, you should start making all Amazon Connect user setting changes in one place - your Symbee Connect Administration Portal. If this section is enabled, and someone makes changes to user settings directly through the Amazon Connect console rather than the Symbee Connect Administration Portal, the user will become out of sync. In case people are doing this, and to be sure you are in sync, you can always occasionally click the Resync Users with Amazon Connect action button back on the User Listing screen which performs a synchronization of all the settings in this section with the values from your users configured in your Amazon Connect instance - see details of this here.
Allow Updates to Amazon Connect User
When enabled, allows changes made to the Amazon Connect User settings in this section, and via other related User management screens, to be propagated back to the associated User definition within Amazon Connect.
First Name
User's first or given name. When Allow Updates to Amazon Connect User setting above is enabled, updates the same value in the respective field on the User in Amazon Connect.
Last Name
User's last name. When Allow Updates to Amazon Connect User setting further above is enabled, updates the same value in the respective field on the User in Amazon Connect.
Email Address
User's email address in Amazon Connect, used for password resets if not using SAML. When Allow Updates to Amazon Connect User setting further above is enabled, updates the same value in the respective field on the User in Amazon Connect.
Secondary Email Address
Optional. User's alternative email address in Amazon Connect, used for notifications. When Allow Updates to Amazon Connect User setting further above is enabled, updates the same value in the respective field on the User in Amazon Connect.
Mobile Phone Number
Optional. The user's mobile phone number in Amazon Connect, in E-164 format. For example: +15551216652. When Allow Updates to Amazon Connect User setting further above is enabled, updates the same value in the respective field on the User in Amazon Connect.
Routing Profile
The Amazon Connect Routing Profile assigned to the user. When Allow Updates to Amazon Connect User setting further above is enabled, updates the same value in the respective field on the User in Amazon Connect.
Security Profiles
The Amazon Connect Security Profiles assigned to the user. When Allow Updates to Amazon Connect User setting further above is enabled, updates the same value in the respective field on the User in Amazon Connect.
Auto Accept Calls
Whether inbound phone call auto-accept is enabled. Only applies to phone calls, and does not apply to Callbacks. When Allow Updates to Amazon Connect User setting further above is enabled, updates the same value in the respective field on the User in Amazon Connect.
After Contact Work (ACW) timeout
Always set this to 0 (zero) for a Symbee Connect integrated agent. After Contact Work is controlled by the Wrap (ACW) settings configuration under the Contact Center - Interaction Handling section on this User profile or Template. When Allow Updates to Amazon Connect User setting further above is enabled, updates the same value in the respective field on the User in Amazon Connect.
Optional. The Amazon Connect Hierarchy the user is assigned to. When Allow Updates to Amazon Connect User setting further above is enabled, updates the same value in the respective field on the User in Amazon Connect.
Amazon Connect Integration
This section controls the active integration between the Symbee Connect ACD and Amazon Connect for the user. If the ACD Amazon Connect Integration setting below is not enabled the Symbee Connect User/Agent UI becomes more of a "simple skin" over the Amazon Connect CCP still allowing some of the Symbee Connect enhanced features to be used (like Call History, Realtime Statistics, AutoText, Work Codes, Unavailable Reason Groups, etc), however the active Symbee Connect ACD enabled features are not usable. The ACD Amazon Connect Integration setting below needs to be enabled to gain access to all features such as routing non Amazon Connect delivered tasks, usage of Supervisor, direct user-to-user calling, and the more complex Wrap/ACW features.
ACD Amazon Connect Integration
Controls whether the Omnichannel ACD and behavior is active or not. Must be enabled to:
- Route non Amazon Connect tasks
- Have visibility of User/Agent state in real-time Supervisor related tools
- Allow User-level override of Queue Wrap/ACW behavior
- Allow Direct User to User Calling
Amazon Connect Reserved User State Name
The name of the Unavailable User Status used by the Omnichannel platform to reserve a User for non-voice based work. This User Status must exist and be enabled in your Amazon Connect instance.
Amazon Connect Missed Call/Task User State Name
The name of the Unavailable User Status used by the Omnichannel platform when work is delivered to the user, but not accepted (i.e. ring no-answer). This User Status must exist and be enabled in your Amazon Connect instance.
Amazon Chime Integration
Amazon Chime Integration Enabled
Whether Chime Integration is enabled for this User. Chime Integration must also be enabled globally at your Company Environment level for these settings to take effect.
Chime Meeting AWS Region
If not set, the default Region configured for the Company Environment will be used. The AWS Region that Chime Meetings are established in for this User.
Voice Channel
Default Calling Country Prefix
The default E.164 Phone Number Country Prefix to use if not present on a dialed number. Examples: +1, +44, +39
Local Calling Access Prefix
The prefix numbers added to the front of phone numbers when dialing locally within the same country.
Outbound Calling Contact Permissions
The Contact Permissions Rule Set to apply to restrict outbound calling to only phone numbers meeting the configured rules.
Direct Dial Number
Optional. Set the Direct Inbound Dial phone number if a user has one associated. The Phone Number must be either a valid Claimed Phone number within your Amazon Connect instance, or your AWS Chime Service. For Connect (as opposed to Chime Calling), used in conjunction with the VoicemailAndDirectDialUtils Contact Flow Lambda.
Extension Number
Optional. Set this to a short numeric number unique to the user, that can be used in a “dial be extension” type flow. If set, this can be used in conjunction with the VoicemailAndDirectDialUtils Contact Flow Lambda.
Forward Calls
Turns call forwarding on or off.
Call Forwarding Number
The phone number that calls will be forwarded to.
Chime Calling
Maximum Concurrent Chime Calls
The maximum number of concurrent Amazon Chime calls (line appearances) for this user. If set (not zero) this overrides the Company Environment level setting.
Direct User to User Calling Allowed
Whether this user is allowed to Initiate and Receive direct user-to-user calls. Note: Amazon Chime Integration (under the AWS Integration section) must also be enabled for this setting to take effect. Additionally, for Engagement users, ACD Amazon Connect Integration must also be enabled for this setting to take effect. Direct User to User Calling allows the following:
- Allows the user to call other users internally, without a Customer call being in progress
- Other users can be called internally in any state (Available, Unavailable, etc.)
- Supports multiple concurrent internal calls, with multiple (up to 12) parties conferenced
Direct Outbound Calling Allowed
Whether this user is allowed to initiate Direct Outbound PSTN calls. Note: Amazon Chime Integration (under the AWS Integration section) must also be enabled for this setting to take effect. Additionally, for Engagement users, ACD Amazon Connect Integration must also be enabled for this setting to take effect.
Direct Outbound Calling Number Presented
Controls which Calling Number (the 'From' phone number) is presented when Direct Outbound PSTN calls are made by this user.
Phone Call Optional Features
Outbound Contact Center Calls Allowed
Whether the user is allowed to initiate new outbound calls via Amazon Connect.
Offline Outbound Contact Center Calls Allowed
Whether the user is allowed to initiate outbound calls via Amazon Connect when in the OFFLINE state.
Blind Transfer Enabled
Whether the Blind Transfer option is available to the user when a phone call is in progress.
Do Not Call Settings
Do Not Call Checking Enabled
Controls whether Do Not Call lists are checked prior to making outbound calls. When enabled, an outbound call will be denied if the phone number being dialed is present in any of your configured Do Not Call Lists.
Allow Do Not Call Additions
When enabled, the Add to Do Not Call button allows the user to add the phone number of the current call to the Default Do Not Call list.
Emergency Calling
Controls whether dialing an Emergency Access number (e.g. 911) is valid for this user. Currently only available within the United States. Please contact Support to enable this feature, or for enquiries regarding other countries.
Emergency Call Routing Number
The phone number (in E.164 format) to route Emergency calls out through for this user. Please contact Support to enable this feature.
Digital Channels
Digital Channels General
User Friendly Name
The name the user is represented as in multimedia interactions with the customer
Instant Messaging
Instant Messaging Allowed
Whether native Instant Messaging between users is enabled for this User. Instant Messaging must also be enabled at the Company Environment level for these settings to take effect.
Maximum Concurrent Instant Message Conversations
The maximum number of concurrent Instant Messaging Conversations for each user. If set (not zero) this overrides the Company Environment level setting.
Copy Transcript Enabled
Adds an additional action button allowing the User/Agent to easily copy the current contents of the chat transcript into their copy/paste clipboard.
Outbound SMS Allowed
If SMS integrations are configured, whether the user is allowed to start unsolicited outbound SMS conversations.
Outbound SMS Default Origin
If Outbound SMS is allowed, the default originating SMS Phone number used for unsolicited outbound SMS conversations. The number specified must also be configured within your SMS integrations.
Chat Agent Typing Preview Enabled
Whether the agent sees a preview of what the customer is typing during chat conversations. Currently only supported when not using Amazon delivered Web-chats.
Preferred Translation Language
The User/Agent's preferred Locale to see chat text in when Automatic Translation is enabled.
Email Download Allowed
For inbound email received, whether the user has the option to download locally.
Email Reload Enabled
For inbound email received, whether the user has the Email Reload option available. Email Reload is not usually needed, but occasionally may be useful when handling email with complex content in multiple languages, or non Western/Latin character sets.
Inbound Email Parking Allowed
Whether the user gets the option to defer handling an incoming email (park it) until a later time (for example, while waiting for internal business processes to be performed).
Maximum Park Time (in minutes)
The maximum time an Inbound Email can be parked for a single park, in the users personal parking area. If this time is exceeded, the Email will be forced back into queue. When re-queued the Email will be set to prefer this user. If this user is not available, it will be sent to the next best available agent.
Maximum Park Actions Allowed
The maximum number of times the user can park (or re-park) a specific email.
Accessible Shared Parking Areas
Which (if any) Shared Parking Areas will be visible to the user when they select to park an inbound email. When parking is enabled, each user gets their own personal email parking area. Additionally the user can also be allowed to park incoming email into one of the Shared Parking Areas specified here. (See the Email Channel Administration screens for configuring new Email Shared Parking Areas).
Email Signature
The (optional) user part of the Email Signature added to the bottom of all outbound, reply and forward Emails sent by the user. Refer also to Standard Email Configuration - Email Signatures for more details on how the value of this setting is used.
Content can either be plain text or HTML formatted. For HTML, the signature can include basic valid HTML elements (such as: div, p, br, table, img, etc) but cannot include scripts or external references other than image elements.
The following tokens can also be used within the content:
- {UserFriendlyName} - if present, gets replaced with the value of the User Friendly Name setting
- {UserExtension} - if present, gets replaced with the value of the Extension Number setting
- {UserDirectDial} - if present, gets replaced with the value of the Direct Dial Number setting
Voicemail Settings
Greeting Text
If the user is configured with User Voicemail, this text can be used as the Voicemail Greeting text. Will be ignored if the Voicemail Greeting Prompt ARN is set. Used in conjunction with the VoicemailAndDirectDialUtils Contact Flow Lambda.
Greeting Personality
The personality code used to determine the voice that reads this greeting. A combination of language and gender.
Greeting Recording (Prompt ARN)
If the user is configured with User Voicemail, this can be set to the ARN of a valid recorded Voice Prompt within your Amazon Connect instance. If set, this overrides any value in Voicemail Greeting Text. Used in conjunction with the VoicemailAndDirectDialUtils Contact Flow Lambda.
Jabra Headset
Controls whether Jabra Headset integration is active or not.
Javascript Files
The path of the Javascript files to be included when this plugin is enabled eg. scripts/third-party/jabra.browser.integration-1.2.js
Connection Status
Displays Headset connection status
Poly Headset
Controls whether Poly Headset integration is active or not
Javascript Files
The path of the Javascript files to be included when this plugin is enabled eg. scripts/third-party/spokes.js
Enter the url that will connect to the Poly hub eg.
Connection Status
Displays Headset connection status
Contact Center
Interaction Handling
User Override Queue Behavior
Controls whether the User level Wrap (ACW) settings below will override Queue level settings. If set to false, the Wrap settings below will be ignored for calls or tasks delivered through Amazon queues or Skill Queues.
Wrap (ACW) Enabled for Calls and Amazon Chats/Tasks
Controls for this user (if User Override Queue Behavior is set), whether Wrap (ACW) is enabled for Phone Calls and Amazon delivered Chats/Tasks.
Wrap (ACW) Timeout for Calls and Amazon Chats/Tasks
If Wrap is enabled above, the maximum time (in seconds) to allow the user to remain in Wrap. A value of 0 (zero) disables automatic Wrap timeout.
Auto-Accept Enabled for Incoming non Amazon Delivered Work
Controls whether incoming delivered tasks (i.e. any work not delivered through Amazon Connect) are automatically accepted, or whether the user needs to manually Accept or Decline.
Wrap (ACW) Enabled for non Amazon Delivered Work
Controls for this user (if User Override Queue Behavior is set), whether Wrap (ACW) is enabled for tasks not delivered through Amazon Connect.
Wrap (ACW) Timeout for non Amazon Delivered Work
If Wrap is enabled for non Amazon Delivered Work above, the maximum time (in seconds) to allow the user to remain in Wrap. A value of 0 (zero) disables automatic Wrap timeout.
Wrap Manual Override Allowed
Controls whether the user is allowed to manually select the Wrap state, regardless of their Wrap Enabled and Timeout settings. When enabled, the user can choose to manually pend wrap during an interaction, and can also cancel during timed interaction auto-wrap. If manually selected, the interaction then remains in wrap until the user completes the interaction manually.
Maximum Concurrent non Amazon Connect Tasks Assigned
The maximum number of concurrent non Amazon Connect delivered tasks (across all types) allowed to be assigned to this User. If set (not zero) this overrides your Company level setting.
Amazon Connect / Symbee Connect Assignment Behavior
Overrides the global Company level setting for this user for how Symbee Connect Task assignment and Amazon Connect Call/Chat assignment interact together. Setting to "Default" follows your global Company level setting. Any over setting overrides the global behavior for this user.
Enghouse SmartDial Integration
SmartDial Integration Enabled
Whether Enghouse SmartDial Integration is enabled for this User. SmartDial Integration must also be enabled globally at your Company Environment level for these settings to take effect.
Work Codes
Controls whether Work Codes are active or not
Maximum Selectable Work Codes
The maximum number of work codes a user can select for each Interaction. Set to 0 for unlimited.
Override Queue Required Behavior
Whether the User Work Code Selection Required setting below overrides the Queue behavior.
Work Code Selection Required
If Work Codes are available, whether Work Code selection is required for this user.
Strict Preview Channel Next Attempt based on Work Code
Whether strict behavior is active for enabling/disabling the Schedule Next Attempt section of the User/Agent's UI when handling Preview Interactions. When enabled, the Schedule Next Attempt action will be forced enabled when a Work Code is selected that indicates an Unsuccessful Contact, otherwise it will be force disabled.
Work State
Offline State
Controls whether Offline State is selectable or not
Unavailable Reason Group
Controls what Unavailable Reasons the user can pick from. If not set, all configured Unavailable Reasons (Amazon Connect Agent Statuses) will be presented to the user. If set, the user will only be presented the list of Unavailable Reasons configured in the selected group.
See Unavailable Reason Groups for how to configure new Unavailable Reason Groups to be used.
Recording Pause/Resume
Controls whether the user has the option to pause and resume call and screen recording
Paused recording timeout
The amount of time a recording will stay paused before resuming, in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second), set to 0 for an unlimited pause period
Agent UI Enabled
Controls whether the user has access to the pause and resume call/screen recording controls from the UI
Paused Reminder seconds
The number of seconds before a visual flashing indicator starts to remind the user recording is still paused. Set to 0 to disable. Only relevant if Agent UI Enabled is set.
External Events Enabled
Controls whether the external web page event monitoring for pause and resume call/screen recording is enabled. Works in conjunction with the Symbee Connect Universal Plugin Chrome browser extension. See details here.
External Items to Watch
If External Events are enabled, a CSS Selector rule targeting which HTML elements to watch and apply automated Pause and Resume actions to.
Screen Recording
Controls whether Screen Recording is enabled or not. Requires Omnichannel to be enabled on this user profile.
Screen Recording Percentage
The overall percentage of calls/tasks to perform screen recording on for this user (100% indicates screen recording is enabled for all calls/tasks handled by the user)
User desktop service working root folder
This value can be used to store working files on remote storage.
Use the user desktop service in multiuser mode
Default is false, set this to true only if user desktops are hosted on a multiuser server.
For multiuser mode, the OS username
If the user desktop service is running in multiuser mode, set this to the users username on the RDP server.
Port search timeout in milliseconds
This value can be used to troubleshoot connection issues between the agent and the user desktop service.
Screen downscaled by
Use this value to downscale the video image size. For example, use 2 to cut the image resolution by half. Max value of 5. Use 1 for default resolution.
Universal CRM Integration
Generic Click to Call
Controls whether Click to Call behavior is enabled for this users browser. Works in conjunction with the Symbee Connect Universal Plugin Chrome browser extension. See details here.
Click to Call Element Selectors
A pipe ("|") separated list of CSS Selectors to attach Click to Call to.
Contact Attributes Fusion
This section controls the optional display of Contact Attribute data to the User/Agent upon interaction delivery. Refer to the Displaying Contact Attributes to the User/Agent Step by Step guide for further details on setting this up, and how to highlight nominated Contact Attribute values if needed.
Controls whether the Display Contact Attribute Info functionality is active or not.
Leave Expanded After Accept
Whether the Customer Fusion Info section of the User UI (where the Contact Data configured in this section is displayed) remains expanded by default after the user accepts the contact. When set to 'No' the UI section automatically reduces when the contact is connected, but can be expanded by the user at any time after. Other options leave the section expanded until the user reduces by clicking.
Custom Field 1
The name of the 1st field (Contact Attribute) to search for and display, within arriving Contact Data. Optional.
Custom Field 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Additional fields 2 through 8 for the display of up to 8 Contact Attributes, within arriving Contact Data. Optional.
ScreenPop URL Fusion (1)
Controls whether this Screen Pop URL Fusion is active or not.
Target Window Name
If not specified, the ScreenPop URL will be opened in a new window/tab each time (using target '_blank'). If specified, this value will be used to target which window/tab the ScreenPop URL is opened in. Setting a non-blank value will result in the same window/tab being used for each subsequent Screen Pop.
Default Pop URL
This is the URL (e.g. http://clientdefinedurl?phone={1}&name={2}) that will be either displayed to the agent and/or popped in a window. Embedded tokens are optional - if used, specify each token as {n} where n is the ordered number of the contact attribute listed in URL Tokens below.
Default Pop URL Tokens
Optional. The Contact Attributes used to populate the numbered {n} tokens in the Default Pop URL. The Contact Attributes are pipe delimited (e.g. phone|name).
Override Pop URL Attribute
Optional. The name of a Contact Attribute populated in the Contact Flow containing an override URL to be used instead of Default Pop URL. The URL value in this contact attribute follows the same rules/format as Default Pop URL, with tokens referring to those specified in the Override Pop URL Tokens Attribute below.
Override Pop URL Tokens Attribute
Optional. The name of the Contact Attribute, itself containing a pipe delimited list of Contact Attributes, used to populate the tokens in the Override Pop URL above. The value of this attribute needs to be a pipe delimited list of Contact Attribute names (e.g. phone|name).
Pop Restrictions
Restrict the Screen Pop from occurring if the value of the specified Contact Attribute is empty. The restrictions are pipe delimited if you want more than 1 restriction (e.g. phone|accountNum).
Display Option
Screen Pop behavior: External - Open the screen pop URL in a new window; UI - Display the pop URL to the agent in the UI; BOTH - Open a new window and display the pop URL in the UI.
For further information on using these setting to invoke a generic screen-pop, refer to our Generic System Screen Pop Step By Step Guide.
ScreenPop URL Fusion (2)
These settings operate in exactly the same way as in ScreenPop URL Fusion (1).
Async HTTP Screen Pop Fusion
Controls whether the Async HTTP Screen Pop Fusion is active or not.
User Token 1
Optional. Used when either a part of the target URL or the payload body requires injection of a dynamic value that differs by user (e.g. a userid, or employee number, etc.). Use {USERTOKEN1} below to reference this value.
User Token 2
Optional. An additional user specific value with the same purpose as User Token 1. Use {USERTOKEN2} below to reference this value.
Default Target URL
The URL (e.g. https://clientdefinedurl/account/load/{1}/{2}) the Async HTTP request will be sent to. Embedded tokens are optional - if used, specify each token as {n} where n is the ordered number of the contact attribute listed in URL Tokens below. Reserved Tokens of {USERTOKEN1}, {USERTOKEN2}, and {USERID} can also be used.
Default Target URL Tokens
Optional. The Contact Attributes used to populate the numbered {n} tokens in the Default Target URL. The Contact Attributes are pipe delimited (e.g. phone|name).
Override Target URL Attribute
Optional. The name of a Contact Attribute populated in the Contact Flow containing an override URL to be used instead of the Default Target URL value above. The URL value in this contact attribute follows the same rules/format as Default Target URL, with tokens referring to those specified in the Override Target URL Tokens Attribute below.
Override Target URL Tokens Attribute
Optional. The name of the Contact Attribute, itself containing a pipe delimited list of Contact Attributes, used to populate the tokens in the Override Target URL above. The value of the referenced attribute needs to be a pipe delimited list of Contact Attribute names (e.g. phone|name).
HTTP Method
The HTTP method used to send the asynchronous HTTP request.
Content Type
The value to send in the 'content-type' HTTP header on the request. Examples: application/json; charset=UTF-8; or text/xml.
Default Payload Template
The payload body to send in the request. Dynamic values are embedded using tokens. Specify each token as {n} where n is the ordered number of the contact attribute listed in Payload Tokens below. Reserved Tokens of {USERTOKEN1}, {USERTOKEN2}, and {USERID} can also be used.
Default Payload Tokens
Optional. The Contact Attributes used to populate the numbered {n} tokens in the Default Payload Template. The Contact Attributes are pipe delimited (e.g. phone|name).
Override Payload Template Attribute
Optional. The name of a Contact Attribute populated in the Contact Flow containing an override Payload Template to be used instead of the Default Payload Template above. The value in this contact attribute follows the same rules/format as Default Payload Template, with tokens referring to those specified in the Override Payload Template Tokens Attribute below.
Override Payload Template Tokens Attribute
Optional. The name of the Contact Attribute, itself containing a pipe delimited list of Contact Attributes, used to populate the tokens in the Override Payload Template above. The value of the referenced attribute needs to be a pipe delimited list of Contact Attribute names (e.g. phone|name).
Send Restrictions
Optional. Restrict the Async Request Send from occurring if the value of the specified Contact Attribute defined is empty. The restrictions are pipe delimited if you want more than 1 restriction (e.g. phone|name).
For further information and instructions refer to our Generic System Screen Pop Step By Step Guide.
CRM Integrations
Zendesk Fusion
Controls whether the Zendesk integration is active or not
Zendesk Product
Which Zendesk Product you are integrating with.
Enable Test Data
Whether artificial test data is being used (see Test Data). Used during configuration testing.
Test Data
If Enable Test Data is set, contains the artificial test data that will be used.
Javascript Files
The path of the Zendesk ZAF API JavaScript library. Use:
API User Name
Zendesk API Credentials. The username of your Zendesk API user.
API User Password
Zendesk API Credentials. The password of your Zendesk API user.
Zendesk API URL. For example: https://[instance-name]
Screen Pop Direction
Screen Pop behavior: Inbound - Executes screen pop on inbound contacts; Outbound - Executes screen pop on outbound contacts; BOTH - Executes screen pop on inbound and outbound contacts.
Country Code
This field can be used to remove the country code from the phone number.
Table and Field Names
The Table and Field Names specify the entities (for example: user, record, incident, ticket, etc) to pop in a screen pop, which field in the entity to match and the value to be matched with.
For further information and instructions refer to our Zendesk CRM Configuration.
Salesforce Fusion
Controls whether the Salesforce integration is active or not
Enable Test Data
Whether artificial test data is being used (see TestData). Used during configuration testing.
Test Data
If Enable Test Data is true, contains the artificial test data that will be used.
Javascript Files
The path of the SFDC API JavaScript library. E.g. https://your-salesforce-domain/support/api/41.0/lightning/opencti_min.js
Client ID
Salesforce API Credentials. The Consumer Key of your Connected App defined in Salesforce.
Client Secret
Salesforce API Credentials. The Consumer Secret of your Connected App defined in Salesforce.
User Name
Salesforce API Credentials. The username of your Salesforce API user.
Salesforce API Credentials. The password of your Salesforce API user appended with the APIs OAuth Token on the end (no space or delimiter in between).
Rest Login Url
Salesforce API URL. Use:
Look Up Order
Salesforce Entity lookup order. A pipe-separated values list of entity names. For example: Contact|Lead|Account
Enable Add Note
When enabled, automatically attaches a Note to the Contact in Salesforce at the end of a call, containing key details about the contact.
Enable Add Task
When enabled, automatically creates a Task on the Entity in Salesforce at the end of a call, with key details about the contact.
Contact Field Name
The field in the Salesforce Contact table to be queried.
Contact Field Value
The name of a Connect Contact Attribute containing the value to use in the contact query.
Lead Field Name
The field in the Salesforce Lead table to be queried.
Lead Field Value
The name of a Connect Contact Attribute containing the value to use in the lead query.
Account Field Name
The field in the Salesforce Account table to be queried.
Account Field Value
The name of a Connect Contact Attribute containing the value to use in the account query.
Table Name
The table in the Salesforce to be queried.
Field Name
The field in the Salesforce table to be queried.
Field Value
The name of a Connect Contact Attribute containing the value to use in the query.
Search Field Format
This field can be used to format query data eg. (###) ###-####
Screen Pop Direction
Screen Pop behavior: Inbound - Executes screen pop on inbound calls; Outbound - Executes screen pop on outbound calls; BOTH - Executes screen pop on inbound and outbound calls.
Country Code
This field can be used to remove the country code from the phone number.
Add New Entity
Add Salesforce Entity : Lead - Creates a new lead; None - Will not create a new entity.
For further information and instructions refer to our Salesforce CRM Configuration Step By Step Guide.
ServiceNow Fusion
Controls whether the ServiceNow integration is active or not
Enable Test Data
Whether artificial test data is being used (see TestData). Used during configuration testing.
Test Data
If Enable Test Data is enabled, contains the artificial test data that will be used.
Javascript Files
The path of the ServiceNow API JavaScript library. E.g.
User Name
ServiceNow API Credentials. The username of your ServiceNow API user.
ServiceNow API Credentials. The password of your ServiceNow API user.
Rest Url
ServiceNow API URL. Use:
Screen Pop Direction
Screen Pop behavior: Inbound - Executes screen pop on inbound calls; Outbound - Executes screen pop on outbound calls; BOTH - Executes screen pop on inbound and outbound calls.
Country Code
This field can be used to remove the country code from the phone number.
Table and Field Names
The Table and Field Names specify the entities (for example: user, record, incident, ticket, etc) to pop in a screen pop, which field in the entity to match and the value to be matched with.
For further information and instructions refer to our ServiceNow CRM Configuration Step By Step Guide.
Dynamics 365 Fusion
Controls whether the Microsoft Dynamics 365 integration is active or not
Enabled Test Data
Whether artificial test data is being used (see Test Data). Used during configuration testing.
Test Data
If Enable Test Data is set, contains the artificial test data that will be used.
Javascript File
The path of the Dynamics 365 API JavaScript library. E.g.
Client ID
The client id of your registered App defined in Azure Active Directory.
Client Secret
The client secret of your registered App defined in Azure Active Directory.
Rest Login Url
Dynamics Login API URL. Use:{TenantId}
Rest API Url
Dynamics API URL. For example: https://{instance-name}
Screen Pop Direction
Screen Pop behavior: Inbound - Executes screen pop on inbound contacts; Outbound - Executes screen pop on outbound contacts; BOTH - Executes screen pop on inbound and outbound contacts.
Country Code
This field can be used to remove the country code from the phone number.
Table and Field Names
The Table and Field Names specify the entities (for example: user, record, incident, ticket, etc) to pop in a screen pop, which field in the entity to match and the value to be matched with.
For further information and instructions refer to our Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM Configuration Step By Step Guide.
NetSuite Fusion
Plugin Enabled
Controls whether the NetSuite integration is active or not
Enable Test Data
Whether artificial test data is being used (see TestData). Used during configuration testing.
Test Data
If Enable Test Data is enabled, contains the artificial test data that will be used.
Login Url
The Url used to login to NetSuite
Window Name
The window name use to identify the NetSuite browser.
Rest Url
NetSuite API URL. Use:
Employee Name
NetSuite employee first and last name. E.g. Mark King
Account Id
NetSuite Account Id
Consumer Key
NetSuite Consumer Key
Consumer Secret
NetSuite Consumer Secret
Token Id
NetSuite Token Id
Token Secret
Netsuite Token Secret
Screen Pop Direction
Screen Pop behavior: Inbound - Executes screen pop on inbound calls; Outbound - Executes screen pop on outbound calls; BOTH - Executes screen pop on inbound and outbound calls.
Add Phone Call
Add Phone behavior: All interactions - Inserts a record after every interaction; Identified Interaction - Inserts a record when a screen pop occurs; NONE - No record inserted.
Country Code
This field can be used to remove the country code from the phone number.
Table and Field Names
The Table and Field Names specify the entities (for example: user, record, incident, ticket, etc) to pop in a screen pop, which field in the entity to match and the value to be matched with.
Screen Pop Url 1
The screen pop URL that will be displayed. E.g. https://your-netsuite-domain-domain/app/common/entity/{netsuiteentityid}
For further information and instructions refer to our Netsuite CRM Configuration Step By Step Guide.
Other CRM
Controls whether the CRM integration is active or not
CRM Name
Login Url
The Url used to login to the select CRM.
Window Name
The window name used to identify the CRM browser.
User Name
CRM API Credentials. The username of your crm API user.
CRM API Credentials. The password of your crm API user.
Access Key1
CRM API Credentials.
Access Secret1
CRM API Credentials.
Access Key2
CRM API Credentials.
Access Secret2
CRM API Credentials.
Rest OAuth Url
CRM API Credentials.
Rest Url
The url to the CRM rest API.
Javascript Files
The path of the CRM API JavaScript library.
Screen Pop Direction
Screen Pop behavior: Inbound - Executes screen pop on inbound calls; Outbound - Executes screen pop on outbound calls; BOTH - Executes screen pop on inbound and outbound calls.
Interaction Action
Action performed when an interaction is completed.
Entity name
The entity to post data to if an interaction action is selected.
Country Code
This field can be used to remove the country code from the phone number.
Table and Field Names
The Table and Field Names specify the entities (for example: user, record, incident, ticket, etc) to pop in a screen pop, which field in the entity to match and the value to be matched with.
Screen Pop Url
The screen pop URL that will be displayed. E.g. https://selectedcrm/app/common/entity?id={crmentityid}
Supervisor User Settings
Same settings as Engagement Users
Voice Channel:
Same settings as Engagement Users
Digital Channel:
Same settings as Engagement Users
Same settings as Engagement Users
Same settings as Engagement Users
AWS Integration:
Amazon Connect Integration:
Amazon Connect Reserved User State Name
Amazon Connect Missed Call/Task User State Name
Amazon Chime Integration:
Same settings as Engagement Users
Contact Center:
Same settings as Engagement Users
Supervisor Features
Pop-Out Allowed
Allows the Supervisor display to be optionally popped out to an external Window.
Listen-In and Barge-In Allowed
Allows the Supervisor to listen-in and barge-in on in-progress Agent phone calls.
If you are enabling this feature, additional configuration steps are required. Please refer to Supervisor Monitoring Setup.
Call Takeover Allowed
Whether the Supervisor has the option to take-over the phone call from the Agent (releasing the Agent) when listening in. Has no effect unless the Listen-In and Barge-In Allowed feature is enabled.
Limit User View by Reporting Hierarchy
Limit the Users listed in the Supervisor views to only those Users defined at the same level as the Supervisor or lower in the User Reporting Hierarchy.
Visible Queues Filter
Select the Queues to be shown in Supervisor views. If no Queues are selected, all Queues will be visible.
Same settings as Engagement Users
Universal CRM Integration:
Same settings as Engagement Users
CRM Integrations: Same settings as Engagement Users